Rosh Hashanah First Day: Tashlich Service
Saturday, September 16, 2023 • 1 Tishrei 5784
4:00 PM - 5:30 PMCherry Creek Drive South & Steele StreetRabbi Katie will be leading our Family Friendly Tashlich Service with Hal Aqua!
We'll will meet at Cherry Creek at the foot and bike bridge at Cherry Creek Drive South and Alameda at 4:00 pm.
Families with kids are also encouraged to attend our Tashlich, 2nd Day Rosh Hashanah and Simchat Torah gatherings which will focus on the hands-on rituals of casting away our mistakes in the form of bread crumbs (or pebbles), witnessing the sound of the shofar, and encountering the Torah as we open the entire scroll. While these services will not be specifically geared towards kids only, they will be compact and engaging with outdoor elements and a relaxed atmosphere.
Bring a few pebbles (kinder for wild life) for throwing in the water.
The end time listed is an estimation only.
Childcare Available
Want some time to “do Jewish” without your parent hat on? When you register to join us on Rosh Hashanah, Kol Nidre, and Yom Kippur, register for childcare! Available for kids age 2 through 11. Children are also welcome to accompany their parents to the main services or catch the all ages services mentioned above, which will be more geared to their level.
Registration for childcare is included in our participation form for members and Friends of B'nai (links are below).
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