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High Holy Days Schedule 2023

The holidays aren't over at Yom Kippur - there's more! We hope you will continue to connect throughout the whole holiday season. 

Download, Print, or Share this "Sukkot and More!" flyer to continue our delicious, social, joyous and fabulous holiday season together:

High Holy Days Season at B'nai Havurah 2023/5784

Hope you will join us!  

Home-Hosted Shabbat in the Sukkah
Friday, September 29
6:00 pm
In person only
At the Home of Sally and Tom Stich

Family Shabbat in the Sukkah
Saturday, September 30
10:00 am  All-Ages Shabbat Service
In person 
B'nai West

Hoshanah Rabbah in the Garden
Friday, October 6
10:00 am  Sukkot celebration in the Garden
In person

At the Home of Gail ben Ezra

Online Yizkor Service and Sharing Circle
Saturday, October 7
10:00 am  Memorial Service
On Zoom Only

Simchat Torah
Saturday, October 7
6:00 pm  Dancing with the Torah!
In person and on Zoom

B'nai West

B'nai East is at B'nai Havurah, 6445 E. Ohio Avenue, Denver    directions
B'nai West is at Highlands Church, 1700 S. Grant Street, Denver   directions
Footbridge at Cherry Creek South Drive and South Steele Street   directions
Lair of the Bear Park is at 
22550 CO-74, Idledale, CO 80453 - Meet in the parking lot: directions
Crestmoor Park is at 99 S. Monaco Parkway, Denver   directions

For more information, email us at or,
or call us at 303-388-4441.

For more information:

Family Friendly Programs & Services     

To register:




Thu, February 13 2025 15 Sh'vat 5785