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Youth Education: Welcoming students from diverse backgrounds including those from multicultural and interfaith families















B'nai Havurah is an inclusive community and welcomes students from diverse backgrounds including those from multicultural and interfaith families. 

Vibrant and Joyful Jewish Learning Your Children Will Love!

B’nai Havurah offers an entire menu of Youth Education programs. You are welcome to select as many or as few as work for you and your family. We seek to create a vibrant and joyful way for all children to access Judaism. Come join us to learn and celebrate!

Story Adventure Club – Infants to Preschool and their Family

The Story Adventure Club uses stories as a jumping-off point for our adventures in Jewish learning.  This  program is for families with children 5 and under.  We go on field trips and make stories come to life during all of our adventures. 

Story Adventure Club is scheduled monthly on Sunday mornings from 10:30 am-12:00 pm.

More information and schedule to follow. 

Year of Joy - Kindergarten through Grade 7

The pandemic was challenging for our kids, so now is the time to catch up on JOY! Judaism brings us cycles upon cycles of joy, from weekly Shabbat, to Rosh Chodesh, to the fantastic array of holidays in our year.

Year of Joy will give us a chance to celebrate these moments of joy through monthly programs. One Sunday a month we will focus on a holiday, life cycle event, or mitzvah/service project. Friends and family are welcome. 

Year of Joy is scheduled, for the most part, monthly. Most often on Sundays, times will vary.

Shabbat B'Yachad

Families with children of all ages are warmly welcome to join together (b'yachad) for a uniquely different Shabbat experience.  
Hal Aqua will lead joyful, song-filled and engaging Shabbat services that will appeal to our friends of all ages and backgrounds.  

My Mitzvah 

My Mitzvah is a one-year B’nai (Bar/Bat) Mitzvah program open to all Jewish youth and their families, providing them with the identity and skills needed to be Jewish in today’s world.

Students from diverse backgrounds and levels of knowledge train together toward individual and shared goals, while families find a welcoming, non-judgmental place in which to grow Jewishly in community with others. 

To learn more click here or contact Risa at

Hebrew 4U - 3rd-7th Grade

Make a choice to learn Hebrew with B'nai Havurah with a program that is:

Flexible  |   Affordable   |   Fun

Students will be matched up in learning pairs, matched by skill level. Alternatively, students who prefer individual lessons can arrange for shorter solo lessons. All lessons are online. You will be contacted directly by your child's tutor to arrange dates and times.

This is a great opportunity to help you child build skills in a way that fits your child’s needs and schedule. Learning can range from basic alphabet to prayers used in the B’nai Mitzvah to conversational Hebrew.

Learn More!

If you have any questions or just want to get to know us, please email us at or call us at 303-388-4441.

Tue, May 7 2024 29 Nisan 5784