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Passover 2024/5784 at B'nai Havurah

Explore these options for a joyful Passover season!

Softening Our Hard Hearts – A Passover Message from Rabbi Katie 

When I think of the Exodus story at the heart of the Passover holiday, I sometimes jump to the grandeur of the great miracles – the splitting of the sea and the horror of the plagues.  Yet many of the critical twists of plot in the story come down to something far more subtle: the state of the human heart. 

In his confrontations with God and Moses, Pharaoh famously hardens his heart over and over again, prompting ever-more-intense plagues to afflict his people and their lands.  His daughter, raised in the same environment, opens her heart to a Hebrew infant and protects Moses through his vulnerable childhood.  Imagine how different the story would have been if Pharaoh’s daughter had not dared to love that forbidden baby, or if Pharaoh had let himself feel compassion for his suffering subjects after just one or two of the terrible plagues.

The miracle of an open heart may not be as flashy as the parting of the sea, but it seems to be just as consequential.  It is also something precious in our time....

Click HERE to read the full message.   

Pre-Passover Spring Clean!
Sunday, April 14, 
12:00-3:00 pm


Join us as we clean up our space on B’nai East for the Passover holiday and beyond! 

Be part of a team devoting a few hours to making our community space more usable and appealing.  We will be working both indoors and outdoors.  A pizza lunch will be provided. 

Register here.


B’nai Havurah Community Seder - Leaving Our Narrow Places
Saturday April 27, 5:00 pm 

B’nai West (1700 S. Grant St) in person only

Whether or not you plan to attend or host a seder of your own at the beginning of the holiday, join Rabbi Katie, Hal Aqua and Miriam Rosenblum for a unique and experiential Passover Seder appropriate for all ages.  This gathering will be musical and joyful, theatrical and thought-provoking, all in the company of warm community.

Find out more and register here.

Online Yizkor Gathering
Tuesday April 30, 10:00 am
On Zoom Only  

The final day of Passover is traditionally a time to remember our loved ones with the Yizkor (memorial) service.  Join Rabbi Katie and Hal on Zoom for a contemplative service and sharing circle where we will have a chance to share memories and reflect together about the journey of mourning.  Those with recent losses are particularly encouraged to attend.  Get the Zoom link and register here.


What IS Kosher for Passover?

Check out Rabbi Katie's Guidelines HERE.


Contact us at 303-388-4441 or

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784