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Friends of B'nai HHD 2021 - Participation Form


Dear Chevra, Friends:


A new year in the Jewish calendar is almost upon us, and as we all continue to emerge from a year and a half of changes both personal and global, the B'nai Havurah community invites you to spend some time with us as we strive to enliven our lives, enlighten our souls, reflect on what sustains us, and dedicate ourselves -- together -- to repairing this beautiful and fragile world. 

While we had hoped and originally planned to offer our three main services -- Rosh Hashanah morning on September 7, Kol Nidre evening on September 15, and Yom Kippur on September 16 -- at least partly in-person, we have reluctantly decided due to the recent surge in COVID cases as a result of the Delta variant that the three main services will be offered on Zoom, with only our service leaders joining together at Highlands Church Denver.  

As always, you can expect what has drawn people to B'nai Havurah for many years: a dedication to Jewish Reconstructionist ideas and practices, rooted in our shared history and traditions while staying open to innovation and  experimentation; intellectual rigor paired with a playful, joyous approach to living a deeply connected life; and home-grown services that are creative, interactive and warmly inclusive, with space for meditative reflection and plenty of soul-stirring music. 

Thank you for completing the participation form below. 

We appreciate your support of our programming with a donation. We understand that everyone's capacity to give varies, but for our High Holy Days, we generally recommend a contribution of about $36 per adult per service. Again, give what you are able - no one will be turned away - all are welcome.  You will be added to our B'nai Havurah community as a member with a gift of $314 or more. Please contact Becky Epstein, Executive Director at / 303-388-4441 ext. 15 to learn more about membership at B'nai Havurah.

Please call our office at 303-388-4441 if you would like assistance. We're happy to help!

Please use the pull down selection to indicate how many individuals will attend each of the services listed, below.  For more information about each of services listed below, please refer to our High Holy Days cover page, here:

   S’lichot, Saturday, August 28, 8:00 pm, Zoom
   Erev Rosh Hashanah Family Service with Hal Aqua Monday, September 6, 6:00 pm, Zoom
   Erev Rosh Hashanah Adult Service, Monday, September 6, 7:00 pm, Erev Rosh Hashanah Adult Services Zoom Monday, September 6, 7:00 pm
   Rosh Hashanah - 1st day, Tuesday, September 7, 10:00 am, Zoom
   Shabbat Shuva, Saturday, September 11, 10:00 am • Outdoor Service In Person and Virtual Service at Lakewood Park, 150 S, Kipling, Lakewood, CO
   Kol Nidre, Wednesday, September 15, 7:00 pm, Zoom
   Yom Kippur, Thursday, September 16, 10:00 am, Zoom

Thursday, September 16

   Healing service: 4:00 pm, Zoom
   Yizkor service: 5:00 pm, Zoom
   Neilah and Havdalah: 5:30 pm, Zoom

Opportunities for Learning 
All Programs are offered via Zoom
Register for each program individually by clicking on the titles

Not Your Bubbe’s Apple Cake  
with Joan Wallis
Wednesday, September 1, 4:30 - 6:00 pm


YOM KIPPUR: Thursday, September 16
From the Religious to the Rational: A Discussion on Forgiveness in Ten Parts
with Sally Stich
 1:00 - 1:45 pm

I Am From: Building Bridges to Cultural Understanding
with B'nai Havurah's Racial Justice and Awareness Committee
2:00 - 2:45 pm

All Vows: Does This Mean Never Having to Say You’re Sorry?
with Joan Wallis
3:00 - 3:45 pm

Thank you for joining us for the High Holy Days 2021/5782. Your voluntary donation of a recommended $36 per person per service ensures that B’nai Havurah will continue to provide a warm and welcoming community to all who seek a home for the High Holy Days.

Enjoy full membership benefits through August 2022  donating  $314 or more.

Ensure your loved ones are included in our Yizkor book by completing the form below. 

Each year B'nai Havurah remembers departed loved ones  in our Yizkor Book. You are welcome to include your loved ones in our Yizkor book.
Jewish tradition considers it a mitzvah to honor the memory of a loved one by giving tzedakah. We greatly appreciate your donation.

Our beautiful Yizkor service is on Yom Kippur, Thursday, September 16 at 5:00 pm virtually via Zoom. 

Yizkor Books are available for pick up at B'nai Havurah on 

The Yizkor Book will also be available online as a downloadable PDF.

When you click to submit your form, you will be directed to our payments page.  We appreciate your support! (A dollar sign and decimal is not needed.)

A donation is not required if you have made a donation of $72 or more, above, for service participation.
Please click on SUBMIT below. You will be taken to the next screen, payment options.


Thu, February 13 2025 15 Sh'vat 5785