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B'nai's 60th Birthday Bash Auction Donor Form

Thank you for your donation to our
 2024 Annual Fundraiser

Please complete this form no later than October 18, 2024

If you would like to download, print and submit your form via email or by mail, please CLICK HERE

If you have more than one item to donate, please complete a separate online form for each item.  If you need assistance, please contact the office at 303-388-4441 or


Two of the most popular activities at our annual fundraiser are the Silent Auction and the Live Auction. This
year we anticipate some lively bidding for perennial favorites as well as many new exciting offerings. To keep
the auctions manageable, we will be offering half of the Silent Auction items on line from September 1 – 30, 
prior to the event (the other half will be at the event). If you are the winning bidder on line, you can pay for and
be finished with your transaction before the night of the event!

Donors: be creative, have fun, think outside the box when you write your item pitch. Think in categories, such
as food (of course!)—a Sunday Football Brunch, a basket of home baked pastries, an Italian, French, Israeli
homemade dinner, a gift card to a favorite restaurant, a basket of wine and chocolate.

OR: Tickets to cultural outings—DCPA, VINTAGE THEATER, ARVADA CENTER, CURIOUS THEATER—you get the picture. OR tickets to a musical concert, the Symphony, Lamont School of Music at DU, pop concerts.
OR: Tickets to a sporting event.

 OR: Offer a Skill: Are you a gardener? Offer a couple hours to help someone plan and plant, OR Learn how to milk a goat. OR:  Offer a mini course (1,2,3,4 sessions) on  Secrets of Professional Food Critics, OR teach a mini class on What Makes a Great Obituary. 

OR: Offer up a second home for a short vacation. Describe the home, tell what there is to do nearby, tell what
amenities are offered (and what are not). 

OR: Look around your house for beautiful items that have never been used: Think of that colorful vase from
Italy  that’s still in the box, or the never- been- used duplicate Junior League cookbook, or the not-your-color
silk scarf from the Metropolitan Museum of Art or that beautiful hand blown pitcher that’s more fanciful than

If you need HELP, please contact Sally Stich at
You may enter as many auction items as you wish, but please fill out a separate form for each donation.  


Please complete a separate form for each donation.

This is for a business.
B'nai Havurah members need not include their address, city, state, and ZIP code unless it has recently changed.
If you're not sure, it's okay to estimate!
If no expiration date is included we will indicate the the item expires one year from our November 10 event date.
This may be the same email as above, but please include it.
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784