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Shabbat In the Park!

Saturday, July 6, 2024 30 Sivan 5784

10:00 AM - 1:00 PMPlatt Park (1523 S Logan St)

GRANDPARENTS & PARENTS : Bring your grandchildren and children! We'd love to see you!

Join us for an all ages Shabbat in the Park at Platt Park! Bring blankets, chairs, or whatever you'd like to sit on and stay comfortable. Bring a vegetarian potluck dish to share as well! The service will begin at 10 am, and will be followed by a potluck lunch. 

Shabbat in the Park
July 6th, 2024

Please include yourself in this number.
   Come Early to Help Set Up - 3 Open
   Stay Late to Help Clean Up - 2 of 3 Left
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Thank you for volunteering!  We appreciate you!
Don't forget to hit the "submit" button!


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Thu, February 13 2025 15 Sh'vat 5785