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Executive Committee Members


Ethan Waldman - Chair

Joined B'nai Havurah in 2009

I have always enjoyed and appreciated the many varied ways that B'nai Havurah offers for each of us to feel connected to our Jewish community, each according to what fits them best. At the same time, B'nai Havurah allows me to feel a part of a small community that is, in turn, connected to a larger one, whether that larger one is of like-minded people across different faiths or within the greater Jewish community and culture. I serve on the Board, motivated by the hope and desire to take my turn, along with so many others, in carrying forward the creative energy that binds our community together.




Ben Honigman - Chair Elect

Joined B'nai Havurah in 1981

I am on the Board of trustees as a way to give back to the community that has been so important in my spiritual life. Four B'nai Mitzvahs of my 4 children and countless hours of music and songs to uplift my spirits.






Dorothy and Ron Lepoff - Past Co-Chairs

Joined B'nai Havurah in 2007

We joined B’nai Havurah when we were looking for a new shul over a decade ago.  We were delighted to find such a warm, welcoming, and inspiring Jewish home.  We are serving on the Board, now as Past Co-Chairs, to give back to this wonderful community.





Janet Tamaren - Co-Vice Chair of Programs and Services (Acts of Caring)

Joined B'nai Havurah in 2016

My husband and I moved back to Denver in 2013. I joined B'nai Havurah 4 years ago, at the behest of my very old friend, Pat Madsen. I joined because I wanted to meet other Jewish people in Denver. I grew up in Cleveland, in the heart of a large Jewish community. I am thus trying to touch base with my roots.  I am a retired physician and grandmother to two youngsters. Besides babysitting, I have been seeking ways to stay engaged and active in the community. B'nai Havurah goes toward filling that need.  




David Gordon - Vice Chair of Integrated Learning

Joined B'nai Havurah in 2007

B’nai Havurah welcomed my family and provided us with good friends, an extended family, and a home to explore Jewish culture and philosophy. I am on the Board of Trustees to help B’nai Havurah thrive so that current and future members will always have a vibrant and innovative, Reconstructionist Jewish home.





Bob Stephens - Vice Chair of Administration

Joined B'nai Havurah in 1984

I am on the Board of Trustees to give back to the community that has been my spiritual home and refuge for the past 36 years.  As a Jew by Choice, B’nai Havurah (then CJRF) has always embraced me for who I am and provided the loving soil in which my Judaism could flower.   






Linda Treibitz - Secretary

Joined B'nai Havurah in 1989

I joined B'nai Havurah because I loved their High Holiday services and felt they were so much more meaningful than anything else I had experienced. B'nai is a welcoming community, even for my husband who is not Jewish, and has been a comfortable place for our girls to learn about Judaism. Our havurah has been together for 30 years and is a second family.






Mark Brown - Havurah HaMakor

Joined B'nai Havurah in 1994

I am pleased to represent Havurah HaMakor on the board.  We are eight families who have shared our Jewish lives for decades.





Gail ben Ezra - Havurah Ben Tzion

Joined B'nai Havurah in 1966

I have been a member of B'nai, then CJRF, since before The Flood.  Over the decades, I have served on almost every committee, performed almost every function, and been involved in far too many major processes and decisions. Oy!!  What binds my heart to B'nai is the intense depth of our community on so many levels and the love for Judaism that we all share. 






Rachel Clark - Member-At-Large

Joined B'nai Havurah in 1999

I am on the Board of Trustees because being a Jew is an important part of who I am, and I value B’nai Havurah as a community and an institution.






Elizabeth Evans - Havurah D'zera

Joined B'nai Havurah in 1981

I am on the Board of Trustees because it made sense in my deepening involvement with B’nai Havurah.  In the early 1980’s I began attending events at B’nai, becoming a member soon thereafter. I then formed anew Havurah, which is still active today. I progressively took on a deeper commitment to my Jewishness with the Board activities.





Bill Goldberg - Havurah Yofi

Joined B'nai Havurah in 1996

My wife and I both grew up in Denver at conservative synagogues.  When we came to B’nai Havurah,  we felt like we found a place where we could feel comfortable spiritually and where there were people with whom we could make life-long connections.  For years we have celebrated the holidays and mitzvoth with our friends in and out of our havurah, and our children felt fortunate they could learn about their Jewishness at a place like B’nai.  Both feel a strong connection to their faith and community.   We all feel fortunate to be a part of this community.



Debbie Goodman - Member-At-Large

Joined B'nai Havurah in 2013

I appreciate being a part of a welcoming, warm, and diverse community.  B’nai Havurah provides a variety of opportunities to explore and celebrate the many facets of the Jewish experience, which nurtures my desire to learn and grow.





Sharon Haber - Havurah Aytz

Joined B'nai Havurah in 1980

I love my community. My involvement over the past 40 years has given me a place to call home.






Shauna Morgan-Sherman - Havurah B'kavod Jose Diaz

Joined B'nai Havurah in 1996

I am passionate about B’nai Havurah because we actually DO social justice work!






Patricia Madsen - Havurah Shalom

Joined B'nai Havurah in 1985

I have been a member of B’nai Havurah and Havurah Shalom since about 1985. Rabbi Brant married Marshall and me in 1994.   I am a past Co-Chair and enjoy the opportunities B’nai has given me to dive into social action, write liturgy, and teach, together with so many gifted other members. It is a vibrant world we have here at B’nai.





Ben Simler - Member At-Large

Joined B'nai Havurah in 2017

I celebrate my Jewishness at B'nai Havurah because it feels like home. A welcoming group of people from many backgrounds share a passion rooted in Jewish values, learning, justice, and community.






Lorrie Tishler - Havurah Shadrach

Joined B'nai Havurah in 2006

After moving to Denver, I joined B’nai Havurah and found a warm, welcoming Jewish community that I continue to treasure. 






Kate Tribbett - Havurah Mishpacha

Joined B'nai Havurah in 2017

I am on the Board of Trustees because I love sharing Judaism and spiritual engagement with my family and community. I hope to continue and expand opportunities for the next generation of B'nai Havurah.




Ex Officio

Hal Aqua - Cantorial Ritual Director


Becky Epstein - Executive Director

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784